The Gift

stairway to heaven

I follow Gallup Polling because #1: I AM a dork and #2: I like to see how the masses are thinking and feeling. I believe it gives us clues as to our collective belief systems and where we are headed as a humanity. I’ll never forget the shock I experienced when I read that over 70% of all Americans said they were thriving in the midst of the bubble bursting years of 2008-2010. I thought, “WOW! That’s great! Our economy is springing back already!” MY bubble was burst when I then read that their definition of thriving meant they had enough money to meet their monthly bills. Thriving?? Hmmm 😛

Charles Eisenstein wrote a book called “Sacred Economics” in which he chronicles the history of money and begins the discussion about how our economy is changing. Our current model is built on a scarcity mentality; that there is only so much to go around and we must compete with one another to survive. He (and he is NOT alone) believes we are evolving (because we MUST) towards things like gift economies where we recognize that we are all One humanity and that the ONLY way we are going to survive is to solve the problems facing our world AS ONE humanity.

For me, coming from the place of My Gift, which is the natural talent and unique gifts that God gave me, is THE most powerful approach to take and is the most likely to secure my success because nobody can BE a better me than ME. When I do this, I align with God’s Will and I step into the infinite flow of abundance we call The Universe. In doing so, I make it possible for others to work from the place of their Gift and we begin to see a model for maximization of the limitless human potential (my favorite thing as many of you know!). I share The Gift that I receive which creates more Gifts, on and on into infinity. It’s like the cookie-share of Potential!! YUMMMMYYYYY!!