A State of Flow


We hear a lot about “the state of flow”. Sometimes called abundance or affluence, ease or manifestation, flow is often misunderstood as something we “do”  when it is  really more of a state of mind. It  allows ease and manifestation to happen. The universe is constantly expanding and we are constantly moving forward in what science calls the Arrow of Time. It’s up to us to navigate our way thorough every possibility to find what it is we desire and what we want our experience of this life to be. This is the true definition of manifestation; “to make plain something that was there all along”.

This is why I like to use the metaphor of a cosmic stream and that all we have to do is jump into the stream and it will take us where we want to go. The trick is to understand when the river is flowing in the direction you want to go because if not, you can swim and Swim and SWIM and never reach your destination. But, you are not stuck as some people like to think. It’s impossible to be stuck in a universe that is forever moving forward. The only thing that can be stuck is your perception, the assumption that things are not changing. If you LOOK for the change, YOU WILL SEE IT. If you WATCH for the GROWTH, you will find it is waiting there FOR YOU to DISCOVER IT.


Tools of Illusion

earth star

Science tells us that this universe is 99.99999% invisible or not here. I saw a visual a few years ago that helped me comprehend this where they took us on a tour of the Sistine Chapel then zoomed in a housefly on the wall. THAT is how much solid matter is in every atom. The “empty” space around it is full of invisible forces like gravity, time, dark matter and dark energy. We only know these things are there because we see their influence much like we “see” the wind in the trees.

So, it fascinates me when people say things like “I’ll believe it when I see it”. Number one, we are surrounded by all kinds of things we can’t see yet we don’t have to convince ourselves to believe in gravity. Number two, We DON’T believe it when we see it. I can ask someone to trust God for a week and when God shows up in their lives they say “Maybe it was just be a fluke.” And, three, we all know the famous double-slit experiment proves our observation aka thought influences matter somehow YET we don’t go around practicing our ability to think things into existence. (This one I REALLY don’t understand because you can bet your sweet petooty I was practicing before I even put the book down!)

Our 5 senses are not meant to show us the Truth. Our 5 senses are the tools we use to navigate the illusion. We have a huge gap in the middle of our vision but our brains just fills it in as though the gap weren’t there. We don’t actually “touch” anything, we can’t taste without smell and there are ALL kinds of things we can’t hear, just ask your dog when you blow on his whistle. The information you take in through your senses is information rooted in illusion and ON TOP OF THE FACT that we can only capture 2000 bits of information per second out of 400 trillion…hmmm And, we trust this information WHY?? I don’t know about you but I’ll take my chances with the unseen and my intuition. The odds HAVE to be better!!

If you’d like to hear a more in depth discussion on this you might enjoy our Fun with The One Podcast:
Link to Fun with The One: Tools of Illusion

Pretty Little Packages


I was on the phone with a client a few years ago and I could hear her daughter, then about 8 years old, trying to teach her little brother about time. She said “This is time” while showing him a little toy clock and he said “No! It’s not!”. “YES!” She insisted becoming more and more adamant and in his frustration he began “the chant” (you know the one all children use to taunt and tease each other) “That’s not true! That’s not true! That’s not time! That’s needles and glue!” Pretty dang smart for a 6-year-old with autism!! 🙂

We like to think of things like time and money, energy and universal law, reality Itself, as fixed and constant. We prefer to see things in this fashion when really this is simply a means of measurement, not THE things themselves. The reality is that time, like lots of “things” we pretend we know when really we know NOT, is woven into the fabric of space and is relative, meaning different things at different “times” (pun intended) to different people depending on the circumstances. There is an exception to EVERY rule but we like to put parameters around things so we can “understand” them better and this makes us feel better, safer in some way.

It’s these not-so-pretty little packages that coaches seek to identify for in them lie the limitation from which our clients are trying to break free. They may sound like “I can’t do that because my parents told me…blah” or “I have to be REALISTIC” or one of my favorites “When I succeed at blah, THEN I’ll believe I can do it”. Wha…??? It’s this circular kind of thinking that traps us and the only way off of this merry-go-round from-hell is to step back and question the stories we tell ourselves about our past, our Selves, this universe, this life. Go ahead and RIP THEM OPEN (and by this I mean the REST IN PEACE kind of RIP!) because it’s the only way to discover the truth: Whatever you are seeking “out there” lies in wait WITHIN YOU. ❤ Happy Random Day!! (but I'll save that story for another time!)

Soul of the World

the all

Plato coined the term “Anima Mundi”, Soul of the World. It is an essence that permeates the entire cosmos and animates all matter, just like the human soul animates the physical body. We also find this essence in the Hindu system where it is called Brahman Atman (a Sanskrit word for “Self”) To acquire enlightenment is to liberate the Self and KNOW that we are a part of the One/God and it is this SELF that we come to know through the practice of Yoga.

This Life-Force, known as Prana or Chi is sometimes described as a tree in an ice storm. The ice forms around the shape of the branch just as matter forms around this energetic pattern of life. What we believe as a collective, what we value and the choices we make to support those values determine the shape of our collective experience as a humanity. We have One Mind, One Body, One Soul and One Intent and all we need to take care of is our own little sliver of reality, our own little Atman Self. If we all take our part within the One Destiny we share, the life we want to live will become the world in which we all dream of living.

Those Who Have Eyes

trusting the fall

If its true that we only see 2000 bits of information per second out of a possible 400 trillion, I think it’s pretty safe to say that the bits that we see are NOT random. Have you ever noticed that if you decide to…buy an Audi, for example, you start “seeing” Audis everywhere? They have been there all along but now you NOTICE them. Why? Because you’re looking for them! They may just “appear to be there” all of a sudden but in reality, there’s a little part of our brains that identifies patterns for us. Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, we human beings SEE that for which we are LOOKING. 😛

The funny thing is that when you stop looking, is when you will actually begin to SEE things as they truly are instead of what you want them to be, need them to be, fear them to be, blah. We can only process 2000 bits out of 400 trillion so we can’t “see” anything ANYWAY. It’s just a story we like to hold onto because it makes us feel safe and known. BUT, as we become AWARE of this universe in which we live , we BEcome AWARE of Our SELVES inside of that universe and we begin to REALIZE what we see “out there” is really what we see “in here”. And, THAT is when life gets really, REALLY FUN!!!

Perception of Threat

dueling lions

Our human brains are wired for certain things. One of the first patterns we are programmed to see, for example, are threats to our personal being. Our brains are programmed to first identify anything in our environment that may harm us. This perception-of-threat response keeps us safe but sometimes we can believe there is a threat where there is not one and THAT can be a very volatile place for the mind-body to BE. I could be sitting in my living room, loving and peaceful Danelle until someone breaks through the front door and all of the sudden, I can become a killer. (I once had a client respond to this statement by saying “Remind never to come over to YOUR house unannounced!” Thanks Mr Chris!)

I thought of this the other day because I was discussing feelings about other people’s success with a client. She was frustrated because colleagues of hers were having success that she was not having yet. She felt threatened by their success, as though there was only so much to go around and that she was somehow missing out. In MY mind, their success was a great indicator that she too would succeed but she was fighting feeling of needing to protect herself. The perception of threat response was now stuck “ON” and will remain so until she confronts her fear and proves to the brain that no threat exists.

The competition model is yesterday’s news. Darwin’s “die-off of the weak” was twisted into our current version of “Survival of the fittest” by his predecessor (the very same man who claimed that Darwin didn’t believe in God) but if anyone cares to read “Origin of Species” you will find that neither of these statements were made by Darwin himself. THIS is why it’s SO important that we take the time to observe and make judgment for ourselves. If we are, as science now claims, a part of ONE thing then the competition model equates to cancer and IT’S TIME FOR HUMANITY TO GET HEALTHY


Fibernacci Consciousness

The pattern of the universe is a miraculous thing, proof if you ask me, of ineffably complex intelligence. But, for little ol’ me, it just means that all I have to do is place my intent and energy upon the pattern and like throwing a stone into the stream, I know it will find its way to the bottom. My goal will find its way to fruition because there can be no other way! The universe creates, all by itself, without any help from me. Go figure! All I have to do is focus on what I want (note that I did NOT say stress about what you don’t want) and put forth the action (aka CAUSE) that will bring my desire EFFECT. So simple, right?

When we are able to slip into a mind-set of effortless ease, knowing the pattern of life has already created everything you could ever imagine, we step into a “flow” with the universe instead of constantly trying to make it flow WITH US. This alignment and the flow it creates is called many things like affluence, abundance, health and wealth. It can also be transformed into things like love, great relationships, purposeful work or spiritual connection. Anything your heart desires is yours for the taking and all you have to do is give 🙂 Easy Pleasy Lemon Squeezy

Home Sweet Home

Laniakea Super Cluster

Laniakea Super Cluster

It’s so easy to get caught up in the crazy little stories we write in our heads. People ask me every day how to overcome these stories… about the past, about who they are, or who they think they are, or what they think they are not. If we are on day 5 of an 8-day average for a New Year’s Resolution, I’m sure one must be hearing some of these dramatic little stories. We’ve all heard the classic hits like “I Can’t Do This” and “I Don’t Really Want It” (sometimes heard as “I Don’t Really Need It”). Or, there’s always the procrastinators favorite, ” Now is Just Not the Right Time”.

The funny thing is that we recapture a truer perspective when something that REALLY matters happens, like a death or life-changing experience. I’ve had a lot of those experiences in my life and I’ve learned to revel in the days when nothing that REALLY matters happens. This “Truth Perspective” makes it easier for me to remember that I have the power to choose the stories I tell myself and I can write any dang story I want! 🙂 Now, those are the stories I put permanently on my shelf!

The picture above is “A slice of the Laniakea Supercluster in the supergalactic equatorial plane” (says Universe Today). It lies far beyond the Milky Way and that little red dot, dangling on the end? Home Sweet Home. How’s THAT for a larger perspective??

The Freedom Schedule

beautiful beach

When I was about four years old I asked my uncle to buy me a watch and teach me how to tell time because “before you know it, I’ll be old”. I’ve been “watching time my entire life because “time goes slower when you watch the clock” or, as Einstein put it, “Time goes faster when you’re sitting next to a beautiful woman”. I have a fascination with time but I’ll save that for another day!

One of my favorite ways to watch time is calendars. I keep several but my most favorite, and most effective is what I have come to call my Freedom Schedule. Most people use their calendars, in my opinion, in all the wrong ways. We put in the things they “have” to do first. Then we try to squeeze the rest of our lives in around the things we don’t really want to be doing. We forget that we can “make” time (It IS relative as our good friend, Albert, taught us). We don’t “take” the time because we don’t “have” the time to create the lives we desire. Is it just me or does that sound like craziness?

When I realized that freedom is a state of mind I knew that if I wanted freedom in my external world, I would have to create it first in my internal world. I put my weekly schedule into an X-cel spreadsheet (but you can use method you prefer). I color-coded all the areas of my life, like family, health, work, etc so I could SEE the imbalance. the sight of this prompted my to create a second schedule, the one I really wanted, the one I would choose if I “could”.

At that moment, I understood that it was all about mind-set and that I could use this as a tool to remind myself to make choices based on what I really wanted and truly valued. With it I have been able to create a free mind which brings with it freedom with not only time but money, health, love, fun, all the things that make life, LIFE.

Take the time to make the time to have the time to LIVE!

2000 Bits

Every second our computer-like brain take a picture that contains 400 trillion bits of information. The average person is aware of 2000. 99.999% of the universe is “not there”. The .0001% of matter in the universe is held together by The FOUR FORCES that make them appear solid. The truth of the Universe, according to science, is that reality is more Thought than thing.

It take STRENGTH, mental fortitude, to choose to stand in Truth and choose to live our lives based on what we truly Value.

Riddle of the Universe


Matter is made up of energy that is influenced by our minds. One example of this is an ancient concept called the Riddle of the Universe. It teaches that there are three great manifestations: Matter–Energy-Mind. We know from physics that matter is made up of energy, 100% not there, AND that energy is influenced by our observation. Matter follows Mind. If you’ve ever experienced and ice storm you will be familiar with the concept. The ice accumulates around the form of the tree creating the sparkling encasement that we see. Physical matter forms, like ice, around the energy patterns which lie beneath.

The Riddle teaches that there is this 5th element of Spirit, Akasha, that is present in all things. IT is our co-creator, The Ultimate Observer in a state of endless becoming. Or has it already happened? IT is a Riddle indeed!

Mental Currency


I love it when Bruce Lipton likens thought and emotion to currency. We spend our mental and emotional energy without any regard to the consequence which we would never do with money. He says that worry in the mind is equal to running a marathon with the body. We all know we cant run a marathon every day without bringing harm to the body yet we allow ourselves to worry abouth things over which we have no control. So when I start to worry I ask myself if I would pay money to be feeling what I’m feeling and it immediately makes me smile!

The energy of your mind is VALUABLE! Don’t waste it on things that don’t serve you!!