Soul of the World

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Plato coined the term “Anima Mundi”, Soul of the World. It is an essence that permeates the entire cosmos and animates all matter, just like the human soul animates the physical body. We also find this essence in the Hindu system where it is called Brahman Atman (a Sanskrit word for “Self”) To acquire enlightenment is to liberate the Self and KNOW that we are a part of the One/God and it is this SELF that we come to know through the practice of Yoga.

This Life-Force, known as Prana or Chi is sometimes described as a tree in an ice storm. The ice forms around the shape of the branch just as matter forms around this energetic pattern of life. What we believe as a collective, what we value and the choices we make to support those values determine the shape of our collective experience as a humanity. We have One Mind, One Body, One Soul and One Intent and all we need to take care of is our own little sliver of reality, our own little Atman Self. If we all take our part within the One Destiny we share, the life we want to live will become the world in which we all dream of living.

Discomfort Zone


They say “Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone”. I don’t know why we call it our “comfort zone. I think we all know most of us are terribly UNcomfortable there. I like to call it the “Rottweiler in a Poodle Carrier” Syndrome (because it gives a GREAT visual!) We stuff themselves into these little, tiny boxes that “they” (the invisible out there) have labeled as acceptable and we (the invisible in there) try to persuade ourselves that we’re ok with it. I hate to tell you guys but the “invisible out there police” doesn’t really exist 😛 “They” are merely a reflection of You AND the judgment you fear is not really “theirs” but your own.

SO many people come to me for help building a business or a body or a bank account only to realize that it’s FREEDOM that they are really seeking. Freedom from fear, lack, worry. Freedom to do, think, feel, BE whatever IT is they want to be. But, that freedom will never be found solely in a business or a body or a bank account because freedom, like EVERY thing, grows from the inside out. It HAS to be a PART of YOU FIRST! So, you can let your Self out of the cage ANY time you like now 🙂 You are here because of a decision and you are ONE CHOICE AWAY from being ANY where else you’d rather BE