Nothing Needs to BE Fixed


I was having a conversation earlier about the medical vs. the natural approach. Being raised in a medical household, I see the “something is wrong so fix it” model and  when I look on the side of a healer, I see the same thing . The doctor of medicine will prescribe you a substance or practice that will cure your ailment. The shaman might say that you need the “medicine” of a certain animal, plant or experience but basically “it” is the same thing which is a remedy.

Looking for my balance point, I read one of Merriam-Webster’s definitions of medicine which read “the art & science of dealing with the maintenance of health” and it made me think of the traditional philosophy of Eastern medicine. The healer was paid UNTIL one fell ill. Then, is when their payments stopped because they had failed to KEEP the patient well.

Even though there seems to be sooo much going wrong right now in our approach to … everything but there is NOTHING GOING WRONG here, Kids! There is a growing connection between “the broken” and those who bring “the cure” and THAT IS A GOOD THING. Where we’ve believed we’ve been broken is precisely the cure we have to give and when we REALIZE nothing needs to be fixed, every thing will be healed.


Time IS Money


Lots of people say that time is money. I understand this from the mind-set of a person who works for someone else because employees exchange time for money. I understand this from an entrepreneurial mind-set because time IS valuable and the value of that time, just like the value of a house is whatever the market will hold on that day. I understand this from a life perspective because the average life expectancy is 74 years old and most people sleep 32 of those years away. TIME IS VALUABLE! It actually makes money seem pretty inconsequential… but on we go 🙂

So, time IS NOT just the measurement we observe ticking away on a clock. Time is really so, SO much more! We can’t really, or don’t really want to, comprehend it but time doesn’t actually move. We move through it in our own unique and individual kind of way. It’s like a frozen river that contains every scenario, every possibility, every combination of situations that we could ever imagine and we, in our “now moment” (and YES, that is science talking), flow through it “choosing” what “want” to experience. (There is WAY too much to say here so I AM going to save that for another day!)

If there is only ONE energy in the universe, as both ancient wisdom and modern science suggests, then is the same not true for money? …just sayin’

Link to Just a Thought by Danelle blog: Expre$$ion

The Answer


I had a client tell me last year that she wanted to quit her corporate job to pursue a life that meant something to her. We set a deadline for six months out and five months into the plan, she was hysterical. She called me in tears (you know who you are, Sister!) because “How am I going to survive without my job!”. When I asked her what she was afraid may happen, she said “I’m going to lose my house!”. Then I asked her what would happen if she lost her house and she said, nearly sobbing “I don’t know! I never wanted it in the first place”.

It seems that today, so many people feel like they are lacking, missing SOME thing that they need to feel whole and complete, happy, peaceful. We are spending beyond our means, killing ourselves with stress over paying for those things and going to work at jobs we hate to maintain a lifestyle we don’t even want but the purpose, the meaning the what-makes-life…life is somewhere “out there” waiting for US to arrive.

Understanding is the bridge between knowledge and wisdom, Kids. I can tell you what it was like to visit the Philippines (BEAUTIFUL! Hi Cousins!) but you can’t really comprehend it unless you’ve been there. So, when someone says to me “Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it!”, I can’t help but think that I can give you a book… videos… VOLUMES of information about how to drive a car but you won’t really know how to drive until you do it. And, then you have to practice. AND, there are SO many variables!! 🙂

Knowledge of something does NOT a master make. “The answer”, the “thing” that we are all seeking is NOT AN END RESULT. IT’S AN UNDERSTANDING. There is background information, assumptions and beliefs. IT is relative…to the moment, the individual, to the time, the situation, the everything else there is in the universe. There IS no point of arrival…just another flight of stairs to climb. Whichever flight you choose. If you want. When you want. LOL Will the coach in my brain EVER stop!!

And, the moral to the story is that THE ANSWER IS WITHIN YOU and IT IS WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE. Surprise! God loves YOU!

Pretty Little Packages


I was on the phone with a client a few years ago and I could hear her daughter, then about 8 years old, trying to teach her little brother about time. She said “This is time” while showing him a little toy clock and he said “No! It’s not!”. “YES!” She insisted becoming more and more adamant and in his frustration he began “the chant” (you know the one all children use to taunt and tease each other) “That’s not true! That’s not true! That’s not time! That’s needles and glue!” Pretty dang smart for a 6-year-old with autism!! 🙂

We like to think of things like time and money, energy and universal law, reality Itself, as fixed and constant. We prefer to see things in this fashion when really this is simply a means of measurement, not THE things themselves. The reality is that time, like lots of “things” we pretend we know when really we know NOT, is woven into the fabric of space and is relative, meaning different things at different “times” (pun intended) to different people depending on the circumstances. There is an exception to EVERY rule but we like to put parameters around things so we can “understand” them better and this makes us feel better, safer in some way.

It’s these not-so-pretty little packages that coaches seek to identify for in them lie the limitation from which our clients are trying to break free. They may sound like “I can’t do that because my parents told me…blah” or “I have to be REALISTIC” or one of my favorites “When I succeed at blah, THEN I’ll believe I can do it”. Wha…??? It’s this circular kind of thinking that traps us and the only way off of this merry-go-round from-hell is to step back and question the stories we tell ourselves about our past, our Selves, this universe, this life. Go ahead and RIP THEM OPEN (and by this I mean the REST IN PEACE kind of RIP!) because it’s the only way to discover the truth: Whatever you are seeking “out there” lies in wait WITHIN YOU. ❤ Happy Random Day!! (but I'll save that story for another time!)

Tears in My Ears

the wave

I was just a teenager when my father died and, of course, I will never forget all the nights I cried myself to sleep. As I grew older and began to understand life and death, the pain began to subside but one night still stands out clearly in my mind. I was reading a book about death and dying and Elizabeth Kubler Ross spoke of the mixed feelings that arise when one cries while in bed and the tears roll into our ears. I was all too familiar with this feeling so it made me smile a little when I read it. I began to understand that even though my grief remained, the emotions were making me aware that my wounds were healing and that someday, even though the pain of my loss would never leave me, the tears would eventually stop and I would BE okay.

Einstein said “energy cannot be created or destroyed”. Nothing in this universe actually dies but is simply transformed from one state of BEing into another. This process happens on and on, all day long into infinity and the only constant in this universe is that things are forever changing. The only question we need to ask ourselves is will we recognize the gain that will follow the loss, will we allow the joy through the tears, the Light in the darkness, the good in the bad. If the answer is “yes”, the transformation will be positive. So, let’s just go for that. Just let the answer be “yes”.

Soul of the World

the all

Plato coined the term “Anima Mundi”, Soul of the World. It is an essence that permeates the entire cosmos and animates all matter, just like the human soul animates the physical body. We also find this essence in the Hindu system where it is called Brahman Atman (a Sanskrit word for “Self”) To acquire enlightenment is to liberate the Self and KNOW that we are a part of the One/God and it is this SELF that we come to know through the practice of Yoga.

This Life-Force, known as Prana or Chi is sometimes described as a tree in an ice storm. The ice forms around the shape of the branch just as matter forms around this energetic pattern of life. What we believe as a collective, what we value and the choices we make to support those values determine the shape of our collective experience as a humanity. We have One Mind, One Body, One Soul and One Intent and all we need to take care of is our own little sliver of reality, our own little Atman Self. If we all take our part within the One Destiny we share, the life we want to live will become the world in which we all dream of living.

I AM…Not

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Long, long ago, before I “knew who I was 🙂 I had a dream. I was in the center of a labyrinth with a Master. He asked me to join him in the walk to the puzzle’s edge and as we walked, he questioned me? or perhaps led me to answer the question of “Who Am I”. I was unaware of our progression to reach the “outside” of the maze because as I made my way through the roles I play, my past experiences, my characteristics and definitions of my Self, my family, my church, my personal vision I failed to notice that “I” was still seated in the center of the circle, still and alone.

At that moment I realized that I AM not the avatar body that walks through this ever-persistent (as Einstein liked to call it) illusion. I realized that I AM not my roles and responsibilities. I AM not my performance or my accomplishments. I AM not my bank account or my body or my failures or successes. I AM… immortal, indestructible, indescribable force that is unstoppable in ITs intent to move forward. HOW can I go wrong? Well, I know one way: People struggle to tell me what they truly want but can usually tell me with great detail what they don’t. What’s the answer: Focus on what you want to BE and not on what you are NOT because WHAT YOU FOCUS ON GROWS! just sayin’

My Love, My Process


One of the hardest things for people to deal with is timing. No one likes to BE in “the process”. Everyone wants to “arrive” already. There are many reasons for this like fear that they won’t “get there”, not wanting to do the work or go through the hardship or just wanting PART of the process and not accepting to embrace ALL that it entails. Regardless the details, the fact of the matter is that most of us don’t like the journey and really just want the destination even though everyone who arrives says that getting there was half the fun. Am I right?

I used to start an exercise program and stick with it for a few weeks, months or even years but eventually, I would always “fall off” and have to start all over again. I went through varying degrees of “the process” but the mind-set that ultimately helped me succeed was when I decided I was never going to stop. When I took the end result away, low-and-behold, there was no ending! When I decided it was no longer about “getting” somewhere but just about what I AM doing/BEING right now, today, I fell in love with the process. I love the feeling of being victorious over the everyday battle to think what I want and feel what I want and do what I say just because I said so. I love it that I win every day 🙂 I love my process and my process loves me back and as a result of this wonderful love affair, I reach my goals and get what I want because…love is a beautiful thing!

The Trinity

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According to the American Council on Exercise, there are 3 major components to fitness 1) Strength 2) Endurance and 3) Flexibility. In META-Physique, I have taken this wonderfully whole approach to create a foundational trinity upon which can be built a life of health, spiritual connection, great relationships, financial independence, time freedom and an inner sense of peace, power and purpose.

Let me show you how it works! If we apply these three components to the Mind, for example, one would practice 1)Mental Strength 2) Mental Endurance 3) Mental Flexibility. Mental strength would mean building your ability to think what you want, when you want as well as the ability to shut off the mind from certain thoughts, taking control of the subconscious mind, learning the art of attention etc. Mental Endurance would entail being able to concentrate for extended periods of time, being able to solve complex problems and hold a mind-set for days, months, years, whatever. And, Mental Flexibility would look like the ability to take in new information, integrate ideas to come up with new solutions and basically thinking outside of the box. Get it! (I know I’m a dork BUT I just LOVE this stuff 🙂 This is what Mommy does to amuse herself!! LOL)

Over the years I have integrated and taught these ideas through Eastern and western philosophy, psychology, physics, world religions, neurobiology etc, applying them to the various “bodies” or aspects of self: emotional, mental, physical, spiritual. These core concepts form the basis of my coaching technique, my overall approach to well-being and my outlook on life. THIS is Meta-Physique and I’m ready to begin… Are you?


Fibernacci Consciousness

The pattern of the universe is a miraculous thing, proof if you ask me, of ineffably complex intelligence. But, for little ol’ me, it just means that all I have to do is place my intent and energy upon the pattern and like throwing a stone into the stream, I know it will find its way to the bottom. My goal will find its way to fruition because there can be no other way! The universe creates, all by itself, without any help from me. Go figure! All I have to do is focus on what I want (note that I did NOT say stress about what you don’t want) and put forth the action (aka CAUSE) that will bring my desire EFFECT. So simple, right?

When we are able to slip into a mind-set of effortless ease, knowing the pattern of life has already created everything you could ever imagine, we step into a “flow” with the universe instead of constantly trying to make it flow WITH US. This alignment and the flow it creates is called many things like affluence, abundance, health and wealth. It can also be transformed into things like love, great relationships, purposeful work or spiritual connection. Anything your heart desires is yours for the taking and all you have to do is give 🙂 Easy Pleasy Lemon Squeezy

Balance AnyONE?

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There’s an old story about a grandfather teaching his granddaughter about life. He told the child that we all have two wolves, one on each shoulder. “One wolf”, he said” is light and wants to do good for others and the other is dark and wants to serve himself. Life is a battle between these two wolves.” The child asks her elder “Well, which wolf wins?” to which he replies, “Whichever one you feed”. I love this story but of course I’m going to say that it’s not the WHOLE story 🙂 For me, life is about integration. The saying is that “The One divided Itself so that we may know life” so it’s important that we PRACTICE SEEING beyond the duality of the universe to realize the WHOLENESS and ONENESS of IT ALL.

I believe one of the major reasons why so many fail to stick to their New Year’s resolutions regarding health is that the approach they’re taking is imbalanced. Isn’t THIS really the root of the problem? If the reason why you are unhealthy is because you are living in an imbalanced way (i.e. eating too much junk food or not exercising regularly) then isn’t it illogical to think that this mind-set will in any way help get you healthy?

Instead, you might try making small changes. It’s been proven to work. Settle in. We’re going to be here a while. Remember, you didn’t get here over night and we don’t “get there” overnight either. And, I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on what’s standing in the way of your success. Life-Force is constantly pushing us towards balance. Its our natural wei. How are you pushing against it? And, why? If you can find what’s driving your behavior, the “META” cause, then the effect, which is alignment with Every Thing, happens. Its like jumping into a stream that’s headed in the direction you want to go. All you have to do is SHOW UP and hang on for the ride!

Will Power

light being

Statistics say that the average New Year Resolution lasts about eight days. 8 DAYS! As a life coach I understand the things that stop people from doing what they say they want to do but lack of willpower is NOT one of them. “I can’t” is a limitation that exists only in the mind. It is an excuse offered up by the ego to keep us where we don’t want to BE. Nothing is “bigger” that you. No Thing is stronger than you. Its your CHOICE!

I have learned that the True Self, the higher soul of your BEing will not allow Itself to be diminished to something so miniscule as the number on the scale or the back of your jeans. When we think our Selves in this limited way, that we are our bodies or bank accounts, successes or failures, we move against Nature. It’s so important we remember that the laws of the universe don’t break although we may choose to break our Selves against them.

WE are timeless, limitless, Divine Consciousness. We are made from the stars. We are an integral part of this miraculous Oneness, the mysterious universe of which we know next to nothing. We must move beyond the illusions of who we think are or who we think we should be and REMEMBER OUR TRUE ESSENCE. When we align our Selves with ALL there IS, our Will becomes truly our own. Only then will we know true freedom.

Realted Post: Riddle of the Universe


beach kid

Energy is such a funny thing. We think it’s so mysterious and complicated and yet it remains obviously simple. The whole Universe is flowing energy, ever-expanding, becoming less matter and more energy every day. We label this energy as this or that, good or bad, right or wrong but in reality IT is just One, this and that, right and wrong, good and bad. Our labels for things are rarely natural but a learned response and THIS is where the power lies. If you learned it you can UNlearn it! IT’s as simple as that!!

We want to hold onto the “good” but we cannot. We want to hold on because we have forgotten how to let it go with the knowing, the trust, that there’s always more good to come. And it’s illogical for us to hold onto the “bad”, the things we fight so hard to avoid, but we do. We hold onto the very same feelings from which we are trying to hide. It’s so important that we let it go too. Ho’oponopono, Forgive ~ Let Go. Allow IT to flow and don‘t dam it. Interesting words, don‘t you think? . Don’t judge it. Don’t fear it. Don’t seek to control it because you can’t. But what you CAN do is RElearn how to flow with it. All you have to do is remember what it’s like to BE!

The trees don’t have to strive to grow nor the seasons plan to change.

The Unseen


I always think it’s funny that people say “I’ll believe it when I see it”. I think it’s funny because it’s those very same people who can be shown, sometimes over and over again, and yet they still don’t believe! “It’s just a coincidence” or “Maybe it’s just a fluke” and “How do I know FOR SURE” are just a few ways we dismiss the power of the Unseen.

Did you know that 99.9999% of the Universe is invisible? There is an unseen world all around us and yet we seek to know through only what we “see”. We live in a wondrous, awe-inspiring place yet the beauty and sheer miracle of life seems to elude us. Why are we so sure its right to trust the 1% over the 99% anyway?

I encourage you to practice how to see without eyes and hear without ears. In doing so you will discover more about yourself, your life and your place within this wonderfully diverse universe than you ever dreamed imaginable!

Learning to Float


Taoism often likens manifestation to swimming. The first thing you have to do to swim is learn to float. If you want to manifest your life at will you have to learn to float, understand your environment, flow with and trust the forces of the Universe. Too much activity can drown you yet we believe the more we “do”, the farther we get. Manifestation, like swimming, is a tandem effort. It is a relationship between floating and swimming, knowing how to propel yourself forward with finesse, understanding the quality of the water and the feeling of being supported in between strokes. It partially due to your effort and partly due to maximizing the natural qualities of your environment. Action alone will only create so much and it takes a great toll on the body. So take the time! Learn to swim!

Collective Choice


The idea of a collective consciousness, a Oneness of Mind, had been around for tens of thousands of year. Described as the Akashic record, the ages of man, celestial cycles and evolution of consciousness this collective view of our universe is changing before our eyes. If Mind creates reality it would logically follow that mankind creates the fate of our species. If we have the power to change our lives with the our thought then we have the power to change the world by simply changing our minds. We are one choice away from the life and world of which we dream!

Let the Children Play

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The Elders said “Before the eyes can see the clear vision of Spirit, the must have grown incapable of tears… of wounded pride,unkind criticism, unmerited abuse, the annoyances, failures and disappointments of everyday life.” On the material plane, we are constantly at the mercy of others on the same plane. Rather than fight against what is, one should seek to rise above and dwell in the upper reaches of Mind & Spirit. Seek to live above it all, the childish games of child-like men and live your life based on things you value the most. In doing so you can smile through the tears becuase you understand that children grow and we WILL evolve because we must.

Riddle of the Universe


Matter is made up of energy that is influenced by our minds. One example of this is an ancient concept called the Riddle of the Universe. It teaches that there are three great manifestations: Matter–Energy-Mind. We know from physics that matter is made up of energy, 100% not there, AND that energy is influenced by our observation. Matter follows Mind. If you’ve ever experienced and ice storm you will be familiar with the concept. The ice accumulates around the form of the tree creating the sparkling encasement that we see. Physical matter forms, like ice, around the energy patterns which lie beneath.

The Riddle teaches that there is this 5th element of Spirit, Akasha, that is present in all things. IT is our co-creator, The Ultimate Observer in a state of endless becoming. Or has it already happened? IT is a Riddle indeed!